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Ubinameused Nicks
jeffnutJeffnutTDev, its_all_good_ma, JP_!, 10-4
Overall101 124 2130 391 18% 177 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.81 Score: 1290
jhmcfllsgmailxXBammerXx, yllow-undergrnd, SqueakyWheel, Endofmapbelow, SqueekyWheel, Bammer, ¦§¤§¦²Squeeky, finish, squeeker
Overall49 44 985 167 16% 64 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.11 Score: 1062
Jimmy_3211969Jimmy_, Player
Overall10 205 3% 13 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.50 Score: 105
jnich91Omerta, ricochet*, brb, ricochet^, Bubba, myheartwillgoon, ggs, omerta., mac::ricochet*, mac::balotelli*, ricochet., mac::ricochet., Tom_Brady, ricocet., reload, ricochet, DoznutZ, Highlander, come_play_jiggl, ggs_all, CottonEyeJoe, Tommy, BitchesBTrippin, burn., .nub|numerodo., .nub|ricochet.
Overall162 98 3107 500 16% 196 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.65 Score: 2506
Overall34 2% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.00 Score: 0
jp-69Charlie_Murphy, |:|JP|:|_SwAnK, |:|JP|:|_SwanKa, Copey<StRiKe>, Angel_Eyes, Shield-Brotha1, |:|JP|:|_SwAnKs
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.00 Score: 0
jstr1ngjee.string, gOLf.wAng, Jee, snOOze, sn()()ze, roof, other_one, SN[][]ZE, jacKass, iCAT, Sn00zE, tHE.cANADiAN, ZnooSe, snoo.
Overall48 51 969 148 15% 78 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.94 Score: 938
Overall44 18% 10 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.22 Score: 48
Kasper2407JOHNDOE, Name_Less_:P, Critical, Critical_NL, underground, no__the_tunnels, last=run_n_gun
Overall14 21 266 35 13% 35 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.67 Score: 452
KaypainbeatsKendrickLamar, JOHNDOE, K.DOT, RnG.|SoSa, Goku, King><Kunta, Pain, Major.Payne, Cain, Gamer_Friend_5, Balcony, Sniperman, DesertMonk, The.SrgtPeaKz, in_target_board, [Xmas]Payne, Volde, Z, |MIB|Mr.Brown, {O_o), Kev, Bradley_Roby, ¦§¤§¦²Pain
Overall81 14 17% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.00 Score: 205
KelrenotGPR6, Kelrenot, Kel, Nicejob, brb, woohoo, _, Kell, Keller, under_unsafe, street, nt, RJ4, RJ4{F.A.T}, YesMAN, -=UOP=-_6654, DA_Kel, RPD_nooba, 3_below, -+woohooo+-, sgfGO_back, Hi_there, above__boxes, Double_JA!, HAHAHA, U_can_do_it, uptop, Randel, Hi, near_start, ladder, GhostCaM, Mr.Impessive, JoHnSmith, ThatsMe, Dead@SpAwN, do_her, NP, my_bad, np_brbr, keep_it_going_b, oui, 1OnroofStill, Novell_MKII, floor_2, Im_New, 1ST_floor, black_truck, Mr.K, sleepy, Top_of_rack, justDoTourself, reload, Yes, Grabbing_admin, pool_2, roof_again_!!, under_ground, dam, just_abve, climb_fan, 5_uptop, 2_down, Lonewolf_!, back_up_rum, 1234, frag, upstairs, ABOVE_ALLY, Born2RaiseHell, Ke;, YESS, -=GO=-_Get_Hmi!, Hey_thanks, Hey_thanks!!, Hey_thanks!, Your_the_best, U_bet, F, CW, up_brick, Lonewolf93, WindDillo7, GhostRider93, up_first_buildi, Green_Horn, Giver_Bro, Kel-_ERT, ggs, BRB_SMK, roger, Fun_Sever_!!!, Fun_Server_!!!, Suffer!!, -=SHOWBOAT=-, backalley_door, frag_hole, center, Spec, was_flashed, Hell_Ya, Kel_, forklifts, WoW, floor_2_box, otherside_room_, brb_coffee, in_the_bowel, Kel_Pro, SundayHero, 2_floor_@spawn, down, ouch, H@ppy-2014-Ye@r, 2013-Its_a_Sham, please_win, Hipster93, roof_spawn_side, TheGambler, down_one, ToponHEAD, brb_food, down_love_down, Good_Try, The_Best, Over_The_Top, Thank_you_SOmuc, "Shutdown!", The_master_KEL, food, just_below_u, WoWiAMnew, WoWsuFFer1, Hello, DeathWish, whereImetU, Fallow_rules, keep_going, do_it, coffee, room_second_flo, hurry, ny_4x4, JOHNDOE, finish_it, MeatHead, ViperM-TX153, rgr_Kel, MISSLEROOM, your_blind, Cool, hehe, Bighole, Kel-Tec, Food!, missied_one, behind, KrazyEye, roof, up_top, stairs, back, in_doorway, Hey, spawn_2, floor_1, under__tunnel, go_get_them, Nice, back_down_old, outside, center_floor_1, acrossstreet, go_to_X, behind_door_up, OK, spdy_up, Up_saws, mountain_top, easy_just_do_it
Overall281 451 7512 1067 14% 698 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.62 Score: 2206
Ken301Paranapa, Runner, JOHNSDEO, RedRapid
Overall32 36 799 80 10% 58 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.89 Score: 843
Kerrigan64K-miicaz, A_N_U_B_I_S, Loken, Shadow_Demon, Shia_LeBoeuf, Gutierrez, L3gacY_PulsE
Overall172 18 10% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.00 Score: 102
kev_198ImQoZa, shit, ImQoZa_, play_play_np, LAST_PERSON_RUN
Overall10 130 14 10% 16 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.50 Score: 107
KH_PovertyP0V3RTY, JustAnotherVict, Target, EZ_TarG3T, 4SknLuVr, OUTSIDE_LEFT, Dmen, I_am_NOT_Dmen, P0Vertyu, P0V, P0Vi3P0Ps, YELLOW_shed_Aho, BehindWhite_Tre, 1_in_Pit, Stink_Hand, Behind_BUS, AuZzie's_Pal, Corner_Big_Buil, P0V3RTY\, name_MINI-NATE, MINI-NATE, Mini-P0V, At_Spawn, 3_mins_left, SmellyCaT, SmellyKittY, ConFu$edKittY, behind_barn, DungBeatle, UP_LADDER, Player, I.N._Joybigkok, I._N._Joybigkok, By_SobOSol, Coco_Pinky, FecalFinger, OpenedButtHole, ClenchedButtHol, YeastyBallBag, MyFakeName, P0V3RTY(wifi), IN_Volcano, Hanger_2nd_flr, ROOFTOP, tunnels_opp_Spa, BLOOBY, BOX-O-ROCKS, The_Keebler_Elf, spawn_lockeroom, CocaPinky, sm_rooms, CocoPinky, NO, MyHiderName, SecretSquirel, BlooBie_EffecT, No_Class_Magila, NoClassMagilacu, MzP0V3RTY, Mrs_QKnife, MizzBudaKnife, Harvey_NutBuda
Overall15 138 35 25% 21 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.53 Score: 234
kickbeepCross, Kickbeep
Overall69 13% 14 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.33 Score: 483
Killem_All1977|SK|K-:-T, K-:-T
Overall15 12 234 49 20% 20 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.25 Score: 531
Overall39 15% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.40 Score: 41
kps4375lucky_pig, DIOS, 4minute, Dolpin_Dog, NOLZA, KOREA_power, running_man, k7, T_ara, super_junior, power_wolf, Red_fox, G_NA, HARA, sirius, HANA, K2, e_RUN
Overall27 47 915 73 7% 56 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.57 Score: 558
krabysniperkrabby_15, krabbyforrest15, krabby*forrest*, Krabby13, Krabby14, krabby15, basement!, BruceLee_JKD, Keabby14, outside_shed, other_end, KEEPGOING, Backin15min, behind_u_, krabbinator, Krabbinator!, g2gpopssmooches, outside!, krabbysniper, krabbykiller, roomsonroof!, AREYOUSERIOUS, inside, Kraby14, KrabbyKiller\, Death, KrabbyKiller', KrabbyWOMEN, Krabby2013, KrabbyKiller], U_Can_Do_It, PLay_on, inCORNER2ndFL, U_CAN_Doit, 3_floor_hallway, FINISH_IT, Krabby14(1), Biebs, KrabbbyKiller, you_gotta_vote, Bruec_Lee_JKD, window, staircase, KrabbKiller, KrabbyKiller_, brb, KrabbyBatter:), Krabby<3Jester, Krabby<3<3Pops, Krabby145, Go_Back_, GO_RUM_GO!!, DaBomb, DaBomb_, I<3Pops, I_FAIL, smooches_love_y, KrabbyKille, FAILURE:(, ltmrli, REFYMF, ltmylifer, Feisty, FeistyKrabby, KrabbyBaller, DIElove, Go_back, FU, 1_left, BruceLee_JKD', I_<3_Madonna, I_<3_Pops, SilentBlitZ, DONT_WIN_PLS, WIN_POPS, <3_Pops, HATE_RUM, OTHER_WAY, MOFO, I<3My3Boys, Basement, GO_MIKE!, BL_JKD, ZULU:D, I<3VAMP, outside, DaBomb\, KrabbyKitty, ifigured, Kitty, In_Grave, The.SrgteKrabby, Kitty_, Krabby_14, Bottomfloor, The.SrgteKitty, |SK|Krabby, TheSrgtBruceLee, TheKing, The_SrgtBruceLe, BRB_food, TheSrgt.BruceLe, God, BruceLee, MagicBullet, CpNRecoil, Ant_Killer, DOWN, _.!.., Redrum, FF*_Redrum, Demon, UnknownSoldier, go_down, play_it_out, BiGGuNs, BruceLee_ill, Sick, getting_a_beer_, backINaMIN, NewGuy, Lunch_room, Yulaw, F.N.G., Gargamel, KrabbyKille4, ONIstairs, ., WHY_, ButterFinger, MightyMan, TakeYourTimme, T.C.fan, shooting_range, below, came_out, UP, PUNISH_THEM, no_worries, Toopalow, Sam, Tim, 2_snipes_roofs, Take_Time, FuckMe, Play_it, JohnDoe, SpeedRacer, Rabbit, JD, James, SatanClaus, woHan, B****L**, 3_left, 29th_floor, TakeurTim, SpaceGhost, Empty, BigJohn, RedBaron, Hitman, MegaMan, 9bottommount, TimeRunOut, ShootWhiteTanks, Terrorist, other_side, spawn, Bruce_L., SomeOne, BUNKER, TheFlash, $$$$MONEY, BruceIsMe, 2insewer, Seeker, on_the_ground, Speedy, OniComePlay, noobguy, 1stLunchRoom, Neo, Spaz, SameButUp, MILF_Lover, Roxah, BadMan, Max*Star, Main_Floor, DoeJohn, 5onBottom, GreenHorn, krabysniper, Papa_S., AI, Hulk"SmaSh, noRambo, John, 5buildnCompuond, WhoAmI, Bruce, DoJohn, 2ndFl_LongBuild, GoodGames_L8tr, PlayIt, tunnel, across, other_second_fl, Crocket, Copo, Bond__James, James_Bond, ÖOlleeger, Neumono, Ip_Man, KrabbyKiller(1), IpMan, 3rdFloorGreen, Billy_Jack, Snoopy, BOMBER, dummy, tilly, Krabbies_Dad, BL, +¦Üt, UK:Tippan, Jail_cells, MeanNewGuy, SantaClaus, Omega, Santa_Claus, F__U, downstairs, AustinDangerPow, Ice, Happy, Captain, Capt.Groovy, Chucky, RunDown, Casper, SexManiac, unHappy, PC_room_Mid, &&&&, Mega_Man, KingOfQueens, BB_DD, Damon, DannyBoy, LOOK_UP, KillMe, X_man, WalkenDead, Pluto, bladeCLOSEclock, BruceLee_, U_Die_Now, No, MoonDoggy, BB, SruoyPu, Trevon, CaptH";, 10_left, WhoSaidThat, Boo, Mouse, PISTOL_N_RUN, TheBruceLee, TheeBruceLee, AaA, SuperMan, No_Rambo, NobodiesBitch, J_K_D, SmokinAces, Paynus, JOHNDEO, 1, =IEF=BruceLee, {MIP}Mr.Pink, name_BruceLee
Overall140 105 3014 335 11% 186 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.33 Score: 2021
Overall12 194 10 5% 12 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.17 Score: 36
krowolaKrowola, kill_urself, middle_stairwel, now_climb_pole, Roof, go_back, btm_left_spawn, one_up_ladder, middle_stairs, run_n_gun, spawn_up, up, up_from_u, up_stairs, under_ground, shooting_area, room_frt_house, under_u, garage, top_1st_buildin, upstairs, all_the_way_up, behind_fence, bathroom, garage_left, on_fire_stairs, dr_by_stairs, JustlikeThatKel, ineedkel_back, GoKelGo!, ggz_cya, shoot_the_walls, go_down_kel, in_building, warehouse, front_of_house, go_bucky_go, go_down, Sex.exe, The_Hardener, outside, Krolowa, fan, closet_in_bthrm, nade_up_again, spec_is_afk, afk, reception_area, crawl_tunnel, gray_truck, climb_pole, go_back_up, other_stairs, turn_around, middle_of_map, Boom!, JUMP!!!, on_balcony, go_back_spec, spawn, Flick_Me, yes, WINNER!, go_Hite_go, run_n_gun_plz, 1_min, Come_Play_jig, u_are_:), thru_windows, top_of_first_bu, clothes_washing, gtg_ggz, ShowOff, REALLY_, Thx_Jig, tunnels, 1_st_floor, go_back_kilo, 2nd_fl_big_buil, Shhhh_dnt_tell_, dova_broke_it, go_down_:), garden, windows_evil, on_the_street, Murderer!, same_level_as_u, same_spot, omg, warehouse_upsta, The_Nigger, come_play, u_missed_the_bo, other_building, roof_:), Kitchen, Krow
Overall1718 1314 29255 4525 15% 2228 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.31 Score: 9402
kupidoncopDukeNukem, DukeNukem[UA], CarpetOnTheWall, DudeNukem, NewYear, opposite_buildi, 1st_floor
Overall81 108 1861 249 13% 173 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.75 Score: 1190
Overall27 29 488 78 15% 43 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.93 Score: 636
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.00 Score: 203
leonard123344JOHNDOE, Player, Sgt.Bravo, Rainbow_Six, OS*Rainbow
Overall43 6% 10 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.11 Score: 25
lesotholesothoLesotho, Subversive_Boy, Phenian, Sub_Boy, 3_min, ||oo||Sempron, Fattal, {PGO}Sub_Boy, QLT_Sub_Boy, Yemen, Sandstorm, QLT_Subfattal_B, suicide, QlA
Overall19 30 762 46 6% 47 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.63 Score: 445
Lieberkind72JLP, JOHNDOE
Overall22 168 15 8% 29 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.18 Score: 90
Overall77 18 23% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.43 Score: 45
LinkeLoetjeNLLinkeLoet, LinkeLoetNL
Overall31 0% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.00 Score: 0
Overall82 15 18% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.00 Score: 102
loginr6F4*LOVIN, HITE, BMW, MESSY, JOTE, LOVIN, gdr, HITE_, outside, base_1, coffe, 9f
Overall19 10 316 50 15% 20 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.90 Score: 801
LoneWolfs-NATE-Lëtz, hidden_doors, outside, inside_up, back_oni, lasthouseup, Insane_Lëtz, northeast_hidde, boat
Overall23 26 477 60 12% 35 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.88 Score: 592
LordNumptyNumpty!, TWATA, BOOOOOOOOO!, Numptus_Maximus, Clay, Jesus_:), back_in_5_mins!, back_now!, Sunday_Numpty!, Tunnel, Warehouse_bit, Building_LOL, Lord_Numpty!, HRH_Numpty!, SUICIDE!"!!!!!, Easter_Numpty!, Playboy_Numpty!, OddBall, Back_in_5!, GO_ONI!!!, spawn_building, Duck, By_Spawn, Player, roof_spawn!, Treacle, brb_-_sausages!, top_of_tower, Butcher_Shop, Booooooooooooo, StoneMason, Monday_Numpty!, window_brown_ca, BRB_10_mins, Mortal!, Lord_Numptingto, Stoned_Numpty!, already_done_it, Upstairs!, Grrrrrrr!, funniest!, Dr._Numpty!, 3_on_roof, Under_Train, 2_mins_left!, spawn, Mosque_Roof, roof_spawn, nr_spawn, Uno_Hoo!, Bollox!, GGZ_-_GTG, Bad_Friday!, Humpty_Numpty!, Ima_Retard!, Yesssssss!, finish_it!, Emperor_Numpty!, Noobty!, Dr_Numpty!, My_Bad_Alot!, Dr_Bad_Alot!, Oni_Bad_Alot!, BRB, Bin_Numpty!, 1_in_SEWER, !ytpmuN, Training_Area, St._Numpticus!, perimeter_house, Need_Glasses!, Tzar_Numpty!, OUTSIDE, 1_min_left!, RiojaMan!, Shogun_Numpty!, P90_Numpty!, Xmas_Numpty!, The_Zohan!, TWATTER!, Squiffy!, Retard, one_left!
Overall15 277 15 5% 24 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.27 Score: 122
Overall28 10% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.50 Score: 51
ls_1986JOHNDOE, Sleor
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.00 Score: 0
LucaMassariAllah, PizzaBoy
Overall37 10% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.00 Score: 101
lucibalboJOHNDOE, balbus, lucibalbo, turbomitra, cicciobomba, bernini
Overall20 79 678 47 6% 105 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.25 Score: 414
l_calves_lJOHNDOE, rafa_:3
Overall58 5% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.14 Score: 15
maartenhaaseMaarten, JOHNDOE, Mister-Dick
Overall10 26 215 34 15% 32 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.38 Score: 268
madara65Madara, alexis65
Overall22 24 328 42 12% 42 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.92 Score: 624
makkaiArthur_Dent, gsxr, St_4l_Firefox, Silas_Greaves, ¦§¤§¦²GSXR
Overall20 29 489 74 15% 38 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.69 Score: 472
Malakai_KaiLogan_Liri, Logan-Liri, -Fuyuki-, suff_Logan, Käsekuchen, -Theia, SpheresHate, Theya, Shinode, -=Logan=-, Aducaluda, Alucard, Milchbrei_Head, Milchbrei, Cpt.Morgan, Empathy, SilverMoon, MoonSilverRains, LightMoonSilver, SilverLightspot, MoondFlammeLoga, Makihatayama, KogoroMori:), Malice-, Du_Träne, DerLogan, CaptainMorgan, -Logan, -oppai, -CaptainLogan, -Ryota, -L, -Light_Yagami, OutSide-Bridge, -Ryuzaki, look_restaurant, Ryuzaki, -Ryota_Sakamoto, -Sakamoto, -CaptainMorgan, -Yagami_Light, Malice, Kogoro_Mori, from_bottom, Yagami, -Yagami, -Marth, Kogoro-Mori, -Kogoro, -Kogoro_Mori, -Malice, Mio, Mayu, Containers, -Yae, -Fuyuki, -Totoro-, -Girei, Mayonaisama, -Yamato, Yamato, -Gintoki, Firework_statio, just-inside, on_street_i_fal, Kousei, Ringo-Akai, Linku, oben, Ringo_Akai, -Takeo
Overall56 123 1482 193 13% 167 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.46 Score: 781
Overall12 87 15 17% 18 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.33 Score: 74
mattw78JOHNDOE, Findus_McFlurry
Overall15 43 544 59 10% 64 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.35 Score: 370
Overall14 28% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.00 Score: 101
Overall54 12% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.00 Score: 102
MiniDecleSwiftIBaSh, JOHNDOE
Overall25 16% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.00 Score: 101
mistergt33MISTERGT3, BYE!, gt3, S.S.F-gt3, F.F.S-gt3, brb, gouplookwater, jerevien, fini, v!ru3, wine, toomuchwine, zIc, snookcamper, finish
Overall21 26 476 61 12% 44 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.81 Score: 557
MoSabahsawz, sawz_brb, God_Bless_USA, blah, slomo, kitchen, go_back, Foss, lag, brb, thanx_assholes, MoSabah, downstairs, ggs, water_tank, roof_by_tanks, SportsBra, _3, yard, go_down, behind_you, terminal, u_can_do_it, gotta_eat, upstairs_middle, tunnel, ima_watch, lower_level, roof, sawz_Claus, walk_on_pipe, jump_in, look_up, above_in_dark, foyer, thru_tunnel, ISEK, 3_down_below, Crayola, above, alley_above_tru, [Xmas]sawz, |MIP|Mr.Pink, by_tower, lowest_level
Overall361 490 9337 931 9% 742 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.74 Score: 2583


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